runoff election 24
2024 Elections

In Warren County there are three important elections in 2024. The first is the primary election, which is scheduled for March 12th. The primary will select candidates who will represent their party in the general election. Then on April 2nd, there is a primary runoff, which may be necessary if no candidate receives the necessary amount of votes during the primary. Finally, on November 5th, there will be the general election. This election will determine the ultimate winners for various elected positions, including important state and federal offices such as governor, senators, and representatives. It is an important time for voters to express their preferences and to help shape the direction of the country. It is crucial to stay informed and engaged in this democratic process.
Warren County 2023 Primary Election Results

Updated 15 August 2023 at 15:15:06, Official Results from the Warren County Democratic Party and Republican Party Statewide Primary Election Tally Report.
Warren County Election Resolution Board Meeting
Notice of Meeting of the Resolution Board The Resolution Board will meet August 8, 2023 at 4:00 PM in the Circuit Court Room on the 2nd Floor of the Warren County Court House to process Absentee and and other ballots that will not scan.
Logic and Accuracy Testing on the Voting Machines
PUBLIC NOTICE WARREN COUNTY ELECTION COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that Logic and Accuracy Testing on the Voting Machines to be used in the August 8, 2023 Primary Elections will begin on Monday, July 31, 2023, at 8:00 A.M. and will continue each weekday to 5:00 P.M. until all machine testing is completed. This testing […]
Mandatory Poll Manager Training
PUBLIC NOTICE WARREN COUNTY ELECTION COMMISSION Pursuant to Mississippi Code 23-15-239-(4), the Warren County Election Commission will be providing mandatory training for poll managers to be used in the August 8, 2023 Primary Elections. Trainings will be held Monday, July 17 from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. at the Ardis T Williams Sr City Auditorium […]