The Tax Collector’s Office holds the online tax sale on the last Monday of every August.
PRIOR to the auction, you MUST register to buy at the online sale
• Please begin by going to to register
• In order to complete registration the Tax Collector will need:
- A completed W-9 form
- A letter of good standing from the bank (stating you’re good for amount and how long you have been a customer)
- A signed blank check (no date on check)
Around the 2nd week in August, the Tax Collector’s office will publish in the newspaper a list of properties that will go to auction if not paid before.
The Vicksburg Post is where the listing will be posted.
Tax Collector’s Office phone number is 601-638-6181.
After the tax sale auction, the redemption period for the owner is two (2) years from the date of the sale. You have no right during this time period on the property.
If redeemed within the two year period, you will receive your money back from auction plus the interest. You do NOT get any money back on overbids.
AFTER the two year redemption period, if the property has NOT been redeemed, you will need to contact the Warren County Chancery Clerk’s office at 601-636-4415 to request your Tax Deed on the property. This is an extra cost, but you must purchase the tax deed to transfer into your name.
At the time of getting your tax deed, there will be delinquent taxes due on the property.
A Tax Deed or Tax Title on a property is NOT A CLEAR TITLE!
To clear title on a tax property you must get an attorney to Quiet and Confirm Tax Title in Chancery Court.
The previous owners have a right to take you to court unless you have a clear title.
Liens on any property are your responsibility to know. The Chancery Clerk’s office does NOT do title searches on properties.